My Talking Angela

"CocoHigh Heels" Suggested App

Girls always dream of having fancy high heels! Now create the perfect high heels in your dream with Coco High Heels! You could design the stunning, luxury shoes from heel to toe, customize every respect of their appearances, and even embellish them with the ever-desirable crystals! Be the super fashion designer!

In this game you can create your own high heels. You can create it from the start. This is not one of those games that gives a base shape and tell you to just color it. You can create every part of the high heels.

You can choose the shape of the platform and the shape of the heels. You can choose the upper part if the shoes as well like straps or just closed fabric.

Then you can choose the patterns and colors. There are all the possible shades of colors and there are made patterns that you can choose too. You can make one part of the shoe in one color and the other part in different color. The game gives you feel free cause every action is possible.

If you got tired from making your own high heels you can just choose an existing heels, they look good as well.

In the end you can add all the final touches. You can choose skin color, you can add pantyhose and they also come in a lot of good colors and shapes (but you can also choose not to add the pantyhose too). Add toe nail polish, and bracelet for the legs.

Than, just pick a good background and take a screenshot to save in memory your creation.

Here are some of my creations:

Download links: 

Search name: CocoHigh heels.

I do recommend you to try out this app
Leave a comment and let me know, did you tried that app? What did you think about it?

Have a wonderful day!